
 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Luke gives us a different story. Lots of people feel threatened when you put things this way in the Bible. It is important for us to explore why and what new picture does this bring to us. After all Luke starts right in with the story of how John the Baptist was conceived and then it takes off from there on a different journey and a renewed picture of who Jesus is. This only adds to our faith and belief when we faithfully listen and see why.

Today we have a story of a mass baptism by John. Jesus isn't the only one there. Jesus isn't the only one who hears God's voice. Jesus isn't the only one to see the dove. Everyone is invited, or everyone who is baptized. Luke introduces us to the importance of community. Everyone can participate in baptism. Baptism is meant to be a community event. 

Somehow we have seemed to have forgotten this along the way. It is why it is so important to recognize these days when baptism is the centerpiece of the day and to reaffirm our vows. Reaffirming these is done in community. With one another because we are not our own and we are meant every Sunday to be refreshed and then sent out to show the wider community what a difference our faith is. 

My son said it a prayer his great, great grandfather had stuck in his preaching Bible and it says this: "Heavenly Father, make us sensitive to the needs of others. Give us eyes that see those who are sheep without a shepherd, and ears that hear the call for help. Fill our hearts with love and understanding for those facing temptation and the trials of life. Keep us humble in spirit so we will draw and not repel those wanting help. Use our hands to lift those who are down, and point to the sufficient and forgiving Savior who is the answer to the deep needs of the human heart. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen."

This is something we are to be reminded of when we say our baptismal covenant. We are to respect the dignity of every living thing. We are to show the light of Christ to others. Our world is so in need of more kindness. Of seeking out those forgotten. Of forgiving those who think they can't be forgiven. This is what we are to gird ourselves for when we leave this building because this is not an easy job. Yet we need to try harder. What kind of a world might we see if we begin to try?
