
 St. Francis, Mark 10:2-16

Blessing, it is a hard thing to remember and practice these days. Jesus today is reminding people to let go of their hardness of heart and remember to be a blessing. Well, how does this relate to divorce you wonder. It does back in the time that this is set in.

For a Jewish woman to be divorced back then meant she had no support. No way to make a means for her own household and was definitely not eligible to remarry because she was considered still married. Having no means of support she would end up on the streets with nothing and there would be little means left to keep her safe from people who would prey on her being vulnerable.

In essence staying married left her in a better position. Protected from the harms and ills which might befall her. It asked the man to open up his heart to compassion for the position he might put her into. It asked for him to bless her by offering protection and safety. Jesus is addressing their hardness of heart in never giving a thought to what might happen to her afterwards and only thinking of themselves.

In Hebrew scripture blessing is one of the most important points for Israel. To be a blessing not only to each other, but out beyond the borders, so that everyone will want to be a part of it. 

This is the importance of blessing. We are reminded today of the blessing children and each other is. We are to only give blessing in the face of anger and hate. We are to bless those who are forgotten and left out. Blessing is a part of the teaching of the sermon Jesus gives to us in Matthew.

It is easy to forget blessing when we are hurt and discouraged. It is easy to pick up our anger and want revenge. Yet it never gives the satisfaction we truly desire and it doesn't help matters because many times we end up hurting innocent people who are caught up in the cross fire of our hurt. 

Blessing is something we need to strive for more often. To live for the light Jesus intended to shine bright against the darkness of this world. Today is just one step in reminding us to be that blessing. To multiply the blessings which we have received and freely give them to a hurting world in need of this healing love which comes from the fount of blessing.
