
 Trinity Sunday

This week I have been struck by the sense of wonder. Wonder at the creation. Or wonder at the kindness of someone else. Or wondering what is holy? Why does this matter on Trinity Sunday?

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night because of his wonderings. Maybe he was afraid to be seen with Jesus, or maybe he was ashamed of his questions and how people would look at him a Rabbi asking questions. Whatever it was he came in the darkness and he's not afraid to ask anything under its cover. 

Wonderstruck Is a novel by Brian Selznick. It is a story of wondering and wandering to find the answer to questions. The best wonder is how it represents the deaf community, how it conveys the language. It is a wonder which is conveyed in words and pictures and sign language. Three different mediums but the same thing, language.

Now this is where we intersect with the Trinity. Every year we try to explain the way the Trinity works. Really it is a wonder or wander into the holy. Maybe this is the way we might get it to make the most sense. To wander into the darkness of trying to understand and just question it and come into contact with the holy. 

There is a song by Carrie Newcomer called Holy as the Day is Spent. It lists all the ordinary things of life which are holy. Today we open with the hymn Holy, holy, holy and we use the words of the Trinity. This is where it opens the door. 

The ordinary and everyday ushers us into the holy. This brings us into the intersection of wonder and maybe here, maybe in these places we encounter the wonder of this complicated thing we call Trinity. Go wonder and wander to find the space of sighing.
