John 9:1-41
We are keeping the theme of hearing these familiar stories in new ways this week. Did you know this is a sign? Jesus' miracles in John begin by being numbered. These signs have something to tell us about Jesus. Let's take a look.
Sign one is listed. It is the turning of water into wine in Cana. Even though this is Jesus' mothers request, he responds. Abundantly. Its not just cheap wine, its not just one jar, it is six jars and the best of the day. Even celebrating a life event isn't ignored or given a pass. It is engaged with abundance. This shows us how wonderful Gods love is. It is full, overflowing, expressive and magnificent.
Sign two the officials son. Now this is a healing for someone who was in league with Rome. This healing is done from a far. Jesus says the son is well and he is. It shows how far Gods grace will reach. It reaches to our enemies, to those not included in our faith tradition. These are not up to us, but are an extension of how far Gods love reaches.
Sign three the healing of the paralytic at Bathesda. Jesus passes by someone who has been trying for years to be healed. He asks if he wants to be healed and he is healed. This is done on the Sabbath day. Now the religious leaders have a problem with the letter of the law, no healing should happen on this day. Jesus is saying compassion is the better law, not the Sabbath.
Sign four the feeding of the 5000. Jesus feeds a crowd who is gathered to hear him teach. He knows they can't be sent away hungry and turns to Philip and asks where they can get food. Now Philip thinks this is impossible with so little, but not Jesus. Andrew presents a boy with five barely loaves and two fish. They feed the crowd and have leftovers. Another story of abundance.
Sign five, now this one is debated as to whether it is really a sign or not. Jesus walks on water. He safely transports the disciples from the middle of the sea in a storm. Jesus' powerful display lets them know he can control anything. Maybe it is a sign for when he is crucified that he does nothing to save himself. He saves others instead.
Sign six is the healing of the man born blind. In this healing we are to see we can become blinded by the law, by sin, and not see the person or the gift in front of us. The blind man is the one who sees and not the religious officials. He sees and believes whole heart.
Abundance, crossing boundaries, compassion, out of little much, saving help, and seeing truly these signs were meant to show us who Jesus is to John's writer and community. They give us examples of how we should believe, what we need to be aware of, and how much love God has for all. It is not an easy list, but it is worth stepping out in faith and trying to show others. This is a pattern for life and growth in Christ.
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