
Everything today rejoices! Rejoices in God’s deep love. In God’s ability to change things from what they were to what they can be. Making new things which were hard and difficult.

Mary gives words to this from deep in her soul. She is so connected to God she is in tune with the Divine and from this, things are changed which aren’t right or just. It is not just a vision of what to expect to come, but a thing for us to strive for. To want to make our world a place where all are treated with the kind of love God wants to impart to everyone. 

This is the stirring of God’s power on earth. In the book Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis the dwarf who has journeyed with the children from their arrival in Narnia, is speechless in the face of Aslan. He didn’t believe in Aslan. Didn’t think he was real; didn’t believe he would defend those who were being exterminated by the powerful. So, in the end when he faces Aslan, he doesn’t have words. This dwarf, who no one can shut up, is speechless. It has stirred up such power in him, he is silent.

When have you experienced a powerful union with the Divine and spouted forth in song? Or written something so beautiful and in touch it breaks the heart? Most important of all do we take the time to make this connection? You’d think church would help us with making this connection. It should.

The driest places are watered and blossom with beauty. Places which were treacherous are made safe. We shall see water where people can drink where there wasn’t any before. It is magnificent what is proclaimed as being the depths of the soul which break forth into beauty.

This made me think of the details. I have included the pictures of John August Swanson here. Pass them around and get lost in the detail. The depth as you look at the smaller details in each picture of the triptych. It has lush greenery, a night sky ablaze with tiny points of light which seem to come into the greens below. Or in the peacock riding aside a wise person. Mary and Joseph and the fields and shepherds one-layer dissolves into another making each picture not only unique but full. Abundant with expression, with richness, with the smallest of details. This is the expression of divine touch. Of what is welling in Mary’s soul today as she proclaims God is great in the small, in the weak, and in the forgotten.

Look again at the scriptures today. Which explodes into your heart? What do you hear? Where do you find wonder?
