Luke 1:39-55
I love this story of blessing. It fascinates me how Elizabeth knew about Mary just from her baby moving. Then comes the song. Maybe Mary was tired of running. Think about it a young girl, unmarried, pregnant and even if it was Joseph's baby there would be much shame in the couple not waiting out the betrothal period. Yet she goes to her cousin Elizabeth. Almost like she is running away from everything. Yet she bursts into song. Maybe because it's the first time she has been blessed.
In our baptism we are sealed as Christ's own forever. No matter what we do, no matter what happens, no matter if we stay in the church, we believe this blessing is not taken away. We may forget, we may not do what is right, but we are always blessed. The problem is for us to see we are. Life happens and we forget this blessing. It is like the garden of Eden. We all have our time when we don't hear God's voice anymore for us. We forget we used to walk with God and talk with God in this garden. Once we have wandered it is as if we have put up a barrier between us and God.
We aren't enough, is what we tell ourselves. We loose our way like the younger son we loose ourselves thinking we aren't worthy and we end up eating slop with the pigs. We think our worth is only in being good enough, or being bright enough, or in whatever condition we put upon obtaining God's love. This is why Mary's song is so bright. It lifts up everyone who has been downtrodden. Who has forgotten God's love is there for them. The song echoes our belovedness because no one is forgotten.
God's love is perfect. We don't have to do anything to deserve it. We don't have to run around and make ourselves better in order to offer ourselves to God. We are already loved, already deserving, because we were created to be. The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we are not worthy enough. That we have done wrong things and aren't deserving. We forget whom God chooses in these stories.
God chooses a young girl, from a no where town in Judea, who isn't even married yet. God chooses an old barren woman, who everyone has given up hope on having the blessing of a child. God chooses the tax collectors, the fishermen, and even a zealot to be in his discipleship. So often we forget this rag, tag crew and only look upon them as scholars, worthy ones because of what they did. Yet the gospel shows us how they don't understand what Jesus says or even do what Jesus says. They are just the same as you and I fearful we don't measure up.
So today live into your belovedness. Sing a song of welcome to it. Know you are claimed as Christ's own this day. Then go and bless someone with the blessing they too are known and loved by God.
This babe comes soon into our world.
Not to show us our failings,
not to convert the world into seeing a certain way.
Remember who visited,
shepherds in the fields, a forgotten lot,
wise men who were not of the same faith
and never told to believe.
This promise comes for all who welcome,
all who welcome and bless one another.
So sing out the promise long made,
forgotten in our travels on this land.
Sing of the love which created the world.
So love would be the hope of all.
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