
 As I watch the morning light come

I am reminded of the struggle to be.

The one where freedom was important.

Where when I left I didn't know what

Things I might experience, what dangers.

Would I live, would I be killed, would 

Something bad happen to my boys.

Yet I fled, I made my way enclosed in chains.

The doors shut, no child played outside.

And I know it made me, even though it cost.

It is precious and full of joy at the taking.

The making a first step to say no I wont.

I won't be blamed, I won't be beaten.

You cannot have the soul which flies.

I was reborn and those first drinks of 

Freedom made me, its hard to describe.

I know it though in another's posture.

Another's shame at being held prisoner.

It is a hard won thing and you are alone.

But oh, to drink at this shore and remember,

This is how far I've come, I'm strong.
