Count the Cost

Luke 14:25-33

Do we ever count the cost of discipleship? It made me immediately think of Dietrich Bonnhoeffer's book The Cost of Discipleship because he talks about cheap grace in it. How we never think of being a Christian as anything more then being brought into the fold and never having to really sacrifice or transform anything. See we're not just Christians, we are followers of the way. We are supposed to walk the way Jesus walked, do the things Jesus did, be about the work of shaking up empire, and shaking up ourselves.

Jesus today is asking us to count the cost of discipleship. The first followers off Jesus were called the followers of the Way. Following what Jesus had done and discipling others in this way. To be a Christian is to be a disciple. To try with all our heart and soul to live like Jesus. Do we really think about a cost, or is it just a name we wear?

To be a follower means we live out Christ teachings. Being kind to others, striving to show mercy, having a care for the poor, looking beyond just ourselves or some magic scoreboard that will tell us whose right and whose wrong. It doesn't matter in God's kingdom. Ultimately it is about trying to mirror that kingdom here on earth.

Mostly we think all this Jesus following is about being right or wrong and adhering to the rules. That's easy, it's much harder to actually follow what Jesus did. Having compassion on those others would overlook. Having compassion on the ones who were his enemies, whether it was a Roman soldier or the leader of a synagogue, if they asked for it they received it. How can we mirror that life?

Following Jesus is a life-long project. It is not easy and it does ask of us a lot,  it is the way to joy, life, and light because living in the way brings a larger heart. The space opens inside of us for a deeper understanding of God's mercy and love, what Jesus came to walk and talk on this earth. It is a way which brings us closer to the joy of living freely instead of burdened down by all the weight of making sure everyone is right, especially ourselves.

Counting the cost means taking a good hard look at our own death. Living like Jesus may get us there, that is an ultimate cost. Because even if we don't die physically, we die to this way of ourselves and become born into the way of others. As Paul says, we die to ourselves daily. Not just once and for all, we struggle and try again to follow the ultimate servant Jesus was. It is why Philippines 2:5-11 was an early creed. That Jesus didn't count equality with God as something to be Lorded over everyone else. Instead he was the servant of all and obedient even to death, death on a cross. The one thing no one in the empire wanted to die on because it exemplified being a traitor to the state. It is the sign of the cost of discipleship.

So take up the way of following. Start reading about what Jesus did and go and do likewise. Because if people can see Christ lived in your life, then you are a light to the world.



  1. sometimes mercy costs us. maybe it cost us our self-righteousness . I am also learning that we die and are reborn every moment.


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