
Its a question we like answered
  why, a nice neat package wrapped up
Blame, who to blame, what was
  the motive, why was it done, and it is
Empty, it won't bring one person
  back, it won't take away one survivors
Terror or dreams, it is, it just happened
  to us, to them, and the key is how we go
From here, do we carry the scar and
  blame this moment for all our behavior
Do we live beyond and start with
  random acts of kindness which we all
Need, things which say we are of value
  we are loved, we are cared for, is this
Where we start to plant the new ground
  of peace and work hard to weed out that
Which kills and dampens the spirit
  recognizing we only flourish when
We reach beyond the why to building
  up and caring for one another, the
Seeds are already there, will we continue
  to plant, to build up, to dream
