Until we can cry with the young man
who has lost his father, we do not know
Until we can cry with the mother
who is now a single parent, we do not know
Until our hearts break because another
man has died, we don't know
Until we stop making excuses
explaining away, justifying, we don't know
We don't know love
we don't have the capacity of heart
We don't know seeing
because we deny how many have died
We don't know justice
because we want to put our mind at rest
We don't know loss
because we refuse to identify
This is the heart of love
daring to openly cry
This is the heart of understanding
saying this is enough
This is the heart of true justice
casting our eyes to the sheer number of times
This is the heart of loss
being vulnerable to feeling another's pain
Walk this way with me
dare to say it is enough
We walk this road with
our neighbors those who we should love
We walk this road arm in arm
not seeing difference, instead our shared humanity
We walk this road seeking light
true transparency, the light we supposed to shine
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