Have we lost our way in the dark
thinking only of us, ourselves
what is important only to me
Have we forgotten how to bind
the wounds, caring for another
in service to our beat up neighbor
giving more than we have to care
opening our hearts and not passing
By on the other side, justified
In or own rightness
Have we lost the capacity for healing
telling the stories, rejoicing on the
bleakest of days and knowing
others are there who understand
Do we always default to the old record
song of us, ours, my rights
or can we hear the pleas on silent
wings as others die in our blindness
Can we remember to care
can we hear the others cries
can we open our hearts
Listen, did we miss a revealing
of the Divine
in a stable
in the cold
in a place far from home
scared of what is to come
A hope in vulnerability
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