What does it mean to really be saved?
Is it to have all our cares taken away?
To be freed from everything, allowed
To do just as we please because we're
Most important? Or is
it a softening, a
Place where we're left to learn something
Esther did not win the freedom of her
People, only that they would not be
Wiped out. Joseph fed
his family and
They grew comfortable until forgotten.
Daniel was only free to pray the way he
Wanted to, not let go from captivity
What do we have to learn from being
The smallest, from not always having
Our own way, from finding respect of
Others, from being captive, can we open
Our hearts and minds to learn it, or will
We fight and shame and blame all but
Ourselves. Christ came and died, to free
Us inwardly, is outwardly trouncing
What we learn from the example of Calvary?
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