
The trees dance, tossing about, thrown by every whim of the wind
The wild dance of the storm enchants the eyes, watching the beauty
Of the sky as it turns dark, a concern and then breaks forth revealing
Light captured within as the sunsets rays lighten and the booms of
Lightening reveal a land changed, stormy, wind tossed, but beautiful
It cannot be all captured, we can join in the fevered pitch of the dance
Letting go, allowing the primal beauty to sway and toss us, a feeling
Born within once in a great while, the upheaval of change tossing
To and fro, connecting our feet with earth, pounding and reaching
The heart, a becoming of struggle, of pouring out passion, and then
Quiet, blissful calm, after all has been allowed to be fully expressed
In the dance of life's fullest blessing and the pouring out of life
