The walk of faith requires us to stumble around
In all the dark places we bump into things we don't see,
ways we don't understand, making leaps
Trusting we will be caught, not knowing if we'll
fall flat or reach solid ground
Whether we will see before we make a wrong turn
It is a letting go of all we normally see as a barrier
All the things which separate us from others,
from God and leaping into the divide
Most times it is just the blind walk
Of not being able to see what might be right
in front of us. At other times it is as if
the clouds have broken and the moon
guides our steps, we begin to feel stronger
More right, more sure of ourselves
Then the clouds come and obscure the view
And we are left on the path wondering,
praying, hoping we can dare to take the next
Step forward, the next step onward,
Will we be alone, will we fail in our blind wandering
Oh, no we are lead by something stronger than we
We recognize our own finite tries and start to
know that somehow we are not alone,
We don't make the journey completely blind
because the Spirit enters, takes our hand
plunging us forward in the darkness of love
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