We have to face death in order to encounter new life.
Death brings us to the door of our fears.
To the places where we want ultimate control.
It makes us let go, surrender to the unknown,
to the things which bother us most, or scare us.
Death brings us again and aging to the place where
we must give it all. Once reborn, remade, or rediscovered
we find that death isn't scary, but a part of the journey.
"Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies"
We can lose our life to find it, we can walk this way of the cross
and see it looming on the horizon, knowing death to self
Is one of the first rules. Facing the sunset, facing the end of a day,
Facing the end of the long night and knowing God remakes
us over and over like clay pots, fragile earthen vessels.
Meant not to hold, or be solidly used, but to discover
who God truly is when we are crushed, dead and remade.
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