
We are in the season of epiphany and whether we have little awakenings that happen in our life or if we shine out Christ's light to others it is a season of learning.  The other day when I heard back twice from Noel about Lui South Sudan it was a type of epiphany.  Noel and Bishop Stephen and the people who are hiding them were sharing different things.  He was sharing pictures of our visit, that he interpreted for me, and some funny things.  It helps to break the tension of why they are hiding the moment.  It was an epiphany about how much the time had meant and how much fun we had together.

Also, prayer and how much it means.  I wrote back I was praising God they were safe.  This brought a wealth of deep gratitude for our friendship and what it means at this time.  Yes, we have no idea what the future days will hold, but right then at that instant we rejoiced for God's provision and continued provision of being safe and hidden.

Yesterday in Lectionary study we were reading from Isaiah 42:1-9 and there is a line about bringing out those who are prisoners and sit in darkness (I think the TANAKH says deep darkness), one of the participants asked if this just meant people in prison.  I responded that we should think of Noel and Bishop Stephen and those in Lui.  They have lost their freedom because of violence, when you loose your freedom you are in prison and in darkness, because you are always concerned or afraid of where the people who want to hurt you are and whether you will be discovered. 

The light of epiphany even means something different today. 
