The baby girl smiles, eyes full of love and life.
She presents fists full of joy, hope, mirth.
She is a present herself to the world.
So free and beautiful of heart, soul.
What happened to that baby girl?
Could it be life intruded too far?
Stole the innocence and gift of life.
She used to present this to the world.
In a flash it is gone and she can't see.
How loved she is, this precious child.
She is still beautiful beyond what
She knows is in or around. Well loved
By all she touches, encounters.
We hold our healing in a heart,
Which cries for her heart and withdrawal.
Wanting to draw out the sting,
Which has left her desolate.
Pray for her to confront and slay the dragons
Which say she is not, because it is a lie.
Born from hands which wish to destroy.
Choose life, my girl, because when found.
We are the strongest, most beautiful woman.
Who can give life to others battered by this world.
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