I am

 John 14:1-14

I am statements in John are all a part of a connection to another I am which comes from Moses and the burning bush. This is where Moses asks God who shall he say called or sent him. God tells him to say I am sent you. So these statements here are supposed to relate to us how Jesus is in God. Connected to God and knows God and shows us God incarnate - alive and among us.

It starts off early with I am the bread of life in chapter 5. There are many more, I am the good shepherd, I am the light of the world, I am the gate or door, I am the resurrection and the life, I am the vine and you are the branches, and now I am the way, the truth and the life. Well what does this mean? 

This comes from a chapter which is called the farewell discourse. The last instructions Jesus gives to his disciples before he is taken and crucified. I am the way, the truth and the life. The way Jesus teaches us is not an easy way. We would like to make it easier and more attainable. This is why I think we dwell often on rules and what is right and wrong so we have a measurement for the way of following Jesus.

The way though is rough. The way is in serving others. The way is wandering and being homeless. The way is in not treasuring things here, but the things of heaven. This way is difficult because we always have to learn to surrender ourselves and concentrate on the other. This way asks us to kneel to others, to listen to another, really listen. It asks us to discern, to rally listen to God and the example Jesus gives in who the Father is and who the Father cares for. 

Women at wells, not even Jewish women, not even reputable women, a woman of another faith, a woman who had many men, a woman who was not the best in terms of the law. Blind men, who were considered sinners, healing on the sabbath, declaring all need to be fed when they show up to listen to you. Jesus takes these as the example of walking the way. How many would you speak to.

The truth. This is the only gospel where Pilate asks Jesus what is truth. Truth can only be found in the Spirit. The one who nudges us to do impossible things. The one who asks us to pray and listen to the tiny voice inside telling us what to do, where to go, and what words we need to consider. This is a hard truth because we need patience and an ear to listen and hear the voices which tell us who and whose we are. 

Life, we have life more abundantly when we follow this way and truth. We will find so much untapped bounty, just like the spring of living water for the woman at the well. It was just her, then the whole town through her witness. Abundance springing forth and an acceptance from the community which had shunned her. Abundant life is not something we find in things. Abundant life is found in the treasure of one another. In listening to things which might seem impossible, but turn out to be life giving when we chance upon them. 

So in these final encounters with Jesus we find a wealth of treasure. One which will lead us through uncertainty and the storms of life. Will you follow the way, truth, and life today?
