What are you seeking?

Matthew 2:1-12

The star, the wise men traveling from the east. So much has been written about this event and these people. Poems, stories, songs they capture our imagination, our longing to be included, our longing for mystery. It seems to be how it all starts out. Dreams and imaginings things we can't unlock or understand.

The thing is we represent them as kings, and yes they were probably men of means, but not kings. They just watched the stars, looked for the signs of change and followed them. This seems to be the whole set up of the Matthean birth story. We have dreams of Joseph, dreams of the wise men, stars to follow, and powers and principalities not based in this world, but in one we don't understand.

We also follow. From the start of this book and deeper into the dreams, we follow. Eventually, we will follow Jesus, right now we follow God. God's signs, God's dream, God's mystery, God's way. We follow.

Following means we have to change us though. We can't follow God without being changed. Just hear this story so far. Joseph heard Mary was pregnant, but was going to put her away quietly. Then God came in a dream, it's alright take her as your wife. So, Joseph changes he follows God's dream. The wise men followed the star to Bethlehem, then God came to them in a dream, they changed their way and went another way home. Joseph is warned in a dream to go to Egypt, and he changes the plans of settling in Bethlehem. After a respite in Egypt they return to Nazareth instead.

Change runs throughout. When we encounter God we are changed, we cannot remain the same. We allow God to enter into the cracks and crevices of our life and we find we have been led on the most remarkable journey. Allowing it is the hard part.

Many deny the encounter, or don't notice it. It is a mystery, like the stars in the heavens. Why only three wise men, shouldn't there have been more? What does it take for us to try and notice God? Do we even take the time to slow down and see God? It would be better if all the answers were given to us. It would be better if everything was clear and sure. Yet the story tells us it is anything but.

We have to set out unsure of where we are heading, expecting we might have some dream, some star, some thing to follow. Jesus showed us, God tells us. The ways of peace, the way among the poor, the way of the lost, the way of the marginalized. But we don't want to see it. If we could just sit in our pews and not be moved, that would be okay. If we could sit in front of our screen and read it, we aren't changed.

Following means we have to head out. Following means we don't just sit in our seats. Following means we go out, we try, we listen and watch and hope we are finding the ways in which we will meet God. Once we do that is it, we are forever changed from what we thought we might be. We are changed from just taking a pew, a space on the internet. We have to move to follow.

This story is a story of a journey. So we must dare to take the first steps. We must dare to set out. We must dare to believe following will bring us somewhere. Even if its a circle we will be all the richer for having dared to take the first steps. Follow the star, follow the dream, follow God and see the transformation your life will take.
