Wonder filled moments

Luke 9:28-43a

Have you ever known a moment so wonder filled you wanted to capture it forever? To have it last and not be taken away. This is what Peter is trying to do today. To capture it all and have it for more than a moment, yet our lives are filled with these if we just pay attention.

There are a lot of places in life where I have encountered this wonder. When I have thought about how my children formed within me, watching one of those Nova shows, amazing. In a sunset or sunrise. When the storms come through and then there is a break in the clouds and the sun or sunset streams through. In thee meeting with wild horses or any wild animal. The thing is a camera cannot capture that moment. I've tried but it is never right. I draw it up to take the picture and it is gone or at least not right. The colors don't match, the shot doesn't give enough perspective or feeling. The camera doesn't give the moment.

This is why the next story follows here, the one of the father wanting healing for his son and Jesus is frustrated. Can we capture Jesus again, not him but the miracle, the healing and wholeness. Not actually taking the view in but trying to capture the picture of the moment. This is why the frustration. We can't. What we can do is be fully aware of the moment, the mystery.

This is why the disciples don't tell anyone. There is no point, the moment is gone, and who would believe them. This is not the point of those encounters, to tell. They are a part of the wonder of being human. There is no way to describe the wonder of the encounter.

This morning we will baptize a baby into Christ's church and there is wonder in this service. The wonder in the power of water, the wonder in the sacrament, the wonder of one so small being Christ's own forever. No matter where this child goes or what it does it is wrapped in the wonder of being a part of a whole community. They belong forever, no matter what. This is another wonder we cannot capture, or explain, or take a photo and freeze because it is mixed in the mystery of Christ and the church.

So go and find the wonder in life. Don't try to capture or explain it. Try to be with it in the moment it is. Then we will know Christ.
