
Maybe it's the songs, or maybe it's the lights, or maybe it's just the goodwill of the season, there is something that has changed with us at Christmas. Maybe its like the gifts of the Spirit some of which we light on the advent wreath. First is hope. Now hope brings us dreams, dreams of how this world might be different. Maybe we see through that and realize we might be able to participate in planting God's hope in the world. As our Presiding Bishop says, into turning the nightmare this world is into the dream it should become.

Peace is the second candle. Who doesn't dream of peace, a long and lasting peace. Many TV shows have been written around this. Many books even, in A Tangled Mercy by Joy Jordan-Lake we begin to see what peace is brought by a family who is related through two tragic events. One is a lynching done back in the time of slavery and the other is the shootings which happened at the AME church in Charleston. These families are woven back together by the story of their roots and black and white meet in relation to one another and in forgiveness.

Joy is the third candle. Joy to the world, joy which bursts forth in beauty, color, laughter. It bubbles over lighting the darkest places and brings light to the world. Joy cannot be manufactured. Joy comes in abundance showing us the bubbling over of God's love for us, for the world. Joy breaks into our hearts and buoys us. Joy breaks forth in giving and giving again.

Lastly is love. Love came down at Christmas is the line by Christina Rosetti and following those are love all lovely, love divine. God broke in and disrupted our world, in the form of a little babe. One we must take care of. Yet God chose to send this love, this dependence, this vulnerability to us for us to care for and love. I'm a new grandma this year. Every picture, every new thing Amelia does is a wonder, even though I've been through this five times. Amelia only needs love, care, nurturing right now. It is vital to her growth as a child. It was vital for Jesus as well.

When you think of this incredible gift God gave to the world you cannot help but to be filled with hope, peace, joy and love. Love came down at Christmas and invited us to participate in all the facets of its birth. Don't miss the chances to plant hope, don't miss the opportunity to create peace, don't pass by joy lightly, and wrap these in love. The most precious gift we have to give one another and to a world who needs to see the truest picture of it we can give. For God so loved the world.
