
Happy New Year!  It is the beginning of the season of Advent in the church. Today we have Isaiah's picture of peace. It includes all coming to Jerusalem because people "will learn war no more" and strive for better things (Isaiah  2:4).

In this season we anticipate the coming of Jesus. This bears in our hearts the true meaning and hope of peace. It is not found in Black Friday sales or in the commercial with "let there be peace on earth". It has to be found within us. It has to be born of our own choosing. 

The way of peace is a way of love. We cannot escape the depths which love has to teach us. We have to be patient, we have to forgive, we have to trust one another, and we have to freely give. All these things are treated as a limited commodity. Only in giving ourselves over to love may we find peace. 

So where will you strive to find it this year. Will you take the time from the busyness of the season and try to find the places of peace?  Will you deeply give of yourself in other endeavors and freely give to others?  Will you forgive others wrongs done to you so they may feel the freedom of loves bound?  It is a tall order, yet one worth doing. Welcome the peaceful Child into your hearts once again. 
