Divided or united

Matthew 25:31-46

The sheep and the goats, its seems pretty cut and dried, whose in whose out and its all because of what they did or didn't do. First of all this seems too easy for a parable or for even scripture because usually we're left scratching our heads, like last week, where the more questions we asked the more we seemed to find its depth. This is no different, the thing we get caught in is when it looks self explanatory we don't ask further questions or take it in its full scope. So here are some things to consider.

First we have this story being told after a confusing round of parables being taught to the disciples just before Jesus is arrested. We are supposed to get something more out of this landscape of parables because one is not able to do the whole trick of explaining why we wait for Jesus' return. It is turning the gem again and again. If I asked you what these other parables were you probably wouldn't be able to recap, I'm not able to either. The ones which stick out are the closest, the talents, the maidens and their lamps, these are all knit together showing us that waiting and knowing exactly what may be or might happen or even how we will be judged are varied and multifaceted. Preparing, using, giving all are verbs they are all things we do.

Isn't this another point? In all of Matthew's gospel its always about why you do. Being a light to all, being blessed, finding treasure, walking the extra mile, giving another cloak all verbs all doing. When we look at the parable in this light of course Matthew gives us another task, another thing to do and be as Christ's hands and feet in the world. What we are doing to bring about the kingdom of heaven is the point of the gospel and it is not left behind here. We can be those who do, who give of our time who do it because we know it is all a part of giving blessing to others.

Now lets turn the gem a little more, are there throw away people in our society? Have we created terms and beliefs and structures in which some people are considered throw away? In this parable there is no condition set for the person who receives food, clothes, or a visit. There is only the fact that someone has done this. Let's ask this in another way. How does it feel to be told you are enough as you are, you are a beloved child of God, you are of worth and value to this community? What do these words give to us? Worth when we feel unworthy, value when we feel valueless, love, hope, joy are born just in these words because we don't hear them enough. We are measured and found wanting always. Imagine never hearing these words ever in your life, how would you be as a person then, how would you reach out to others or would you even bother? If we wait until someone is deserving we will never act and we will never be the blessing and light God intends and Jesus is telling us about today.

This leads us to the last gem in this parable. Why are the people surprised God knows what they have and haven't done? Think about it, don't we believe God knows everything? In William Paul Young's book The Shack this knowing and being known by different members of the Trinity is given by the main character Mack who has conversations which just pick up where they left off first with God, then with Jesus, and last with the Spirit. He doesn't have to explain and is sometimes surprised by the questions asked by another member, and yet he thinks he can keep his anger in secret from them all. What if we lived like God, or Jesus, or the Spirit was observing everything, every word we do? Would we change and be changed? Would we think more about what we do and don't do? This brings us back round to the beginning.

Lets try to be more like Matthew's vision of God's people in this world. We are worthy, we have been blessed and now it is our turn to go and give blessing, show another their worth, and do the kingdom work we have been given to do. Knowing we are going as the hands and feet of Jesus and empowered by God's Spirit. Go, bless, do. Amen
